4 Week Challenge - Time To SHINE!
You will get access to our online where you will receive your weekly sessions. I can't wait for you to take your game to the next level!!

Travis Cooper, Head Coach

"This challenge is not for every one. If you are committed and follow through with this challenge you will gain an insight into the type training you need to do to prepare yourself for the next level!"

Patrick Sinicki, NPL player

"Through some of the drills I found out more about myself and what I need to work on more... During my own trainings I felt the difference. I felt more confident" (Drills in the challenge)

Emilio Manos, NPL player

"You're covered all areas in the survey and the report is clear. You added what areas need improving the most as well which is helpful" 
(Technical Analysis Survey, you get this included when you do the 4 week challenge)
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